
This course is co-taught with Claudio Calosi.

In this seminar, we will discuss metaphysical issues as they arise in contemporary science. First, we will treat the relationship between metaphysics and science in general, and between metaphysics and physics in particular. Second, we will consider specific problems such as time and relativity, relationalism, substantivalism and monism, and discernibility, structuralism and dependence, and monism and functionalism about objects in the context of quantum physics, and metaphysical questions in the context of biology.

Course Requirements

If this seminar is taken for credit, please let us know. You will have to fulfill requirements, depending on the module for which you are taking this course:

MA2, demi-module 2a:
- Evaluation: examen écrit de 4h portant sur le contenu du séminaire.
MA5, demi-module 5a:
- Evaluation: examen écrit de 4h portant sur le contenu du séminaire.

Course Materials

All reading materials will be made available on Chamilo.

Course materials such as lecture notes, handouts, etc may be made available as they will be used in class.

Presentation materials:

Schedule (Fall 2017)

This is the schedule for the seminar. It is subject to adjustment.

Date Readings Presenter(s)
20.09. Introduction Claudio Calosi, Christian Wüthrich
27.09. Ladyman and Ross (Secs. 1.1-1.4) Artem Emets, Marko Vučetić
04.10. Morganti and Tahko Meenal Paul
11.10. Gödel, Earman Niels Linnemann
18.10. Gilmore, Costa, and Calosi Joshua Babic
25.10. Gilmore Milena Mascio, Claudio Calosi
01.11. Gibson and Pooley Benjamin Neeser
08.11. No seminar (semaine de lecture)
15.11. Ismael and Schaffer George Tsimploulis
22.11. Ney Karen Crowther
29.11. McKenzie Lorenzo Cocco
06.12. Wolff Baptiste Le Bihan and Augustin Baas
13.12. Paul Michal Hladky
20.12. Beebee George Tsimploulis