Course Description 2018

This workshop is intended for graduate students and postdocs in philosophy who aspire to a professional career in academic philosophy. In this year's workshop, participants will, among other things, reflect on how to present their work in scientific presentations and will learn about funding opportunities for young researchers at the FNS.

Please let me know if you want to participate, so I can include you in the email list for the workshop.

Important: All participants must register on the CUSO website at[showUid]=4378. The CUSO will reimburse the train tickets (2nd class, half price tickets) for PhD students at the four CUSO universities (Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, and Fribourg).

Course Materials

Course materials such as lecture notes, handouts, etc will be made available as they will be used in the workshop.

Links to online material:

Here is a list of useful books (though somewhat dated):

  • Robert L. Peters, Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or Ph.D., Noonday, revised edition 1997.
  • John A. Goldsmith, John Komlos, Penny Schine Gold, The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career: A Portable Mentor for Scholars from Graduate School through Tenure, University of Chicago Press, 2001.


This is the schedule of topics for the workshop. It is likely subject to adjustment.

Date Time Topic Room
17 October 2018
14:15-17:45 Workshop 1
- Introduction, presentation of course goals
- Navigating both sides of the refereeing process
- Special guest: Marcel Weber, Editor of dialectica
2 rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon, Salle Denis de Rougemont; location on map
14 November 2018
14:15-17:45 Workshop 2
- Mock interviews
2 rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon, Salle Denis de Rougemont; location on map
21 November 2018
14:15-17:45 Workshop 3
- How to give a smashing talk
2 rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon, Salle Denis de Rougemont; location on map
19 December 2017
14:15-15:45 Workshop 4
- Funding opportunities for young researchers at the FNS
- Special guest: Coralie Dorsaz (FNS)
2 rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon, Salle Denis de Rougemont; location on map