
The philosophy of physics deals with methodological, epistemological, and metaphysical issues in physics. This seminar addresses topics in naturalized metaphysics, the philosophy of space and time as they relate to physics, the philosophical implications of quantum physics, the physical origin of the direction of time, issues in the philosophy of cosmology and the philosophy of quantum gravity, or similar problems and debates.

For the spring semester 2024, the topics are (1) presentism and modern physics, (2) time travel in physics, and (3) the disappearance and re-emergence of spacetime in quantum gravity.

Accessibility and Prerequisites. Participants should have successfully completed the course Introduction to Philosophy of Physics, or be similarly prepared.

This course will be taught in English.


  • The texts to be read are available through icorsi.

Course Requirements and Evaluation

My expectation is that everyone prepares the assigned readings ahead of time, actively participates in the seminar, and accepts a reasonable share of presentation duties. As this is a seminar rather than a lecture course, the grade will be determined by the points obtained from the following type of evaluation:

  1. Seminar presentation(s) (8 points): Each participant will give at least one seminar presentation.
  2. Seminar participation (2 points): For each topic, every participant is to send me by email one (or two) discussion questions (no more than a paragraph) on any one of the four papers of the corresponding topic by Sunday midnight before we discuss the topic (i.e., by 14 April, 21 April, and 5 May), for a credit of up to half a point per topic. The remaining half point for participation will be given based on class participation.

Course Materials

Course materials such as lecture notes, handouts, etc will be made available as they will be used in class.


Please see the syllabus for the tentative programme of the seminar.