Welcome to the teaching section of my website

This section contains syllabi, lecture notes, homework assignments, study questions, and some reading materials for past, present, and future classes I am teaching.

Copyright notice: if you are an instructor at an institution of higher education, you may make full use of the materials on my web sites for non-profit educational use under the fair use provisions of the United States Copyright Act. Please let me know if some of the material has been useful to you and email me any suggestions for improvement. If I adopt these improvements, I will of course appropriately acknowledge your contribution.

Present Courses (Spring 2025)

In spring 2025, I am also teaching in Lugano at the Universitá‌ della Svizzera italiana in the MA program in philosophy:

Future Courses (Fall 2025)

To be announced--stay tuned.

Past Courses (Selection)

Note: The links are to the most recent instantiation of the courses.

Geneva BA courses:

Geneva MA seminars:

Geneva Professionalization Workshops:

USI Lugano MA courses:

UCSD Undergraduate courses:

UCSD Graduate seminars: